Dependency-Check is an open source tool performing a best effort analysis of 3rd party dependencies;
false positives and false negatives may exist in the analysis performed by the tool. Use of the tool and
the reporting provided constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition, and there are NO warranties,
implied or otherwise, with regard to the analysis or its use. Any use of the tool and the reporting provided
is at the user’s risk. In no event shall the copyright holder or OWASP be held liable for any damages whatsoever
arising out of or in connection with the use of this tool, the analysis performed, or the resulting report.
Scan Information (
show all):
- dependency-check version: 10.0.4
- Report Generated On: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 16:48:02 +0100
- Dependencies Scanned: 13 (12 unique)
- Vulnerable Dependencies: 0
- Vulnerabilities Found: 0
- Vulnerabilities Suppressed: 0
- ...
- NVD API Last Checked: 2024-11-21T03:22:59Z
- NVD API Last Modified: 2024-11-20T21:15:08Z
Showing Vulnerable Dependencies (click to show all) classgraph-4.8.146.jar
The uber-fast, ultra-lightweight classpath and module scanner for JVM languages.
The MIT License (MIT):
File Path: /Users/tommym/.m2/repository/io/github/classgraph/classgraph/4.8.146/classgraph-4.8.146.jar
MD5: a4ed4fa2653c6540980aa06511ba3764
SHA1: 360448a09bfa5689d89cfa97fea53b3fdefa9c23
Referenced In Project/Scope: API:provided
classgraph-4.8.146.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/com.querydsl/querydsl-apt@5.1.0
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | classgraph | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | classgraph | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | github | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | io | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | scanner | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 1.8 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-category | Utilities | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | io.github.classgraph.classgraph | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | classgraph | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | classgraph | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Luke Hutchison | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | ClassGraph | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org URL | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | io.github.classgraph | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | ClassGraph | High |
Vendor | pom | url | classgraph/classgraph | Highest |
Product | file | name | classgraph | High |
Product | jar | package name | classgraph | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | github | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | io | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | scanner | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 1.8 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-category | Utilities | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | ClassGraph | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | io.github.classgraph.classgraph | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | ClassGraph | High |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | Manifest | specification-title | ClassGraph | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | classgraph | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Luke Hutchison | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | ClassGraph | Low |
Product | pom | developer org URL | | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | io.github.classgraph | Highest |
Product | pom | name | ClassGraph | High |
Product | pom | url | classgraph/classgraph | High |
Version | file | version | 4.8.146 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 4.8.146 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 4.8.146 | High |
Version | pom | version | 4.8.146 | Highest |
Code generation and compilation for Java
Apache License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Users/tommym/.m2/repository/com/querydsl/codegen-utils/5.1.0/codegen-utils-5.1.0.jar
MD5: 850fa8089ead3bb0a4254ad9aea16ced
SHA1: ba401554d613760617992eafb6cdba175c811e6f
Referenced In Project/Scope: API:provided
codegen-utils-5.1.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/com.querydsl/querydsl-apt@5.1.0
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | codegen-utils | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | codegen | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | querydsl | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | utils | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | com.querydsl.codegen.utils | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 17 | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | codegen-utils | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | codegen-utils | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | laim | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | tiwe | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Lassi Immonen | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Timo Westkämper | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | Mysema Ltd | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | com.querydsl | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Querydsl - Codegen utils | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | querydsl-root | Low |
Product | file | name | codegen-utils | High |
Product | jar | package name | codegen | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | querydsl | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | utils | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | com.querydsl.codegen.utils | Medium |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 17 | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | codegen-utils | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | laim | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | tiwe | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Lassi Immonen | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Timo Westkämper | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | Mysema Ltd | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | com.querydsl | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Querydsl - Codegen utils | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | querydsl-root | Medium |
Version | file | version | 5.1.0 | High |
Version | pom | version | 5.1.0 | Highest |
Eclipse Compiler for Java(TM)
Eclipse Public License - v 2.0:
File Path: /Users/tommym/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/jdt/ecj/3.26.0/ecj-3.26.0.jar
MD5: ee47966a67cd4019f1b8ccac74ba8dca
SHA1: 4837be609a3368a0f7e7cf0dc1bdbc7fe94993de
Referenced In Project/Scope: API:provided
ecj-3.26.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/com.querydsl/querydsl-apt@5.1.0
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | ecj | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | compiler | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | eclipse | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | jdt | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 11 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.batch | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | ecj | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | ecj | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.eclipse.jdt | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Eclipse Compiler for Java(TM) | High |
Vendor | pom | organization name | Eclipse Foundation | High |
Vendor | pom | organization url | | Medium |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | ecj | High |
Product | jar | package name | compiler | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | eclipse | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | jdt | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 11 | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Eclipse Compiler for Java(TM) | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.batch | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | ecj | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.eclipse.jdt | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Eclipse Compiler for Java(TM) | High |
Product | pom | organization name | Eclipse Foundation | Low |
Product | pom | organization url | | Low |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 3.26.0 | High |
Version | pom | version | 3.26.0 | Highest |
Jakarta Persistence 3.1 API jar
Eclipse Public License v. 2.0:
Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0:
File Path: /Users/tommym/.m2/repository/jakarta/persistence/jakarta.persistence-api/3.1.0/jakarta.persistence-api-3.1.0.jar
MD5: 35a1b7dfb38cf44ff795be607b0e6b5b
SHA1: 66901fa1c373c6aff65c13791cc11da72060a8d6
Referenced In Project/Scope: API:provided
jakarta.persistence-api-3.1.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.dynamoframework/dynamo-api@4.0.0-RC2
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | jakarta.persistence-api | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | jakarta | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | persistence | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 11 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | jakarta.persistence-api | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | extension-name | jakarta.persistence | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | specification-vendor | Eclipse Foundation | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jakarta.persistence-api | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | jakarta.persistence-api | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | lukasj | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Lukas Jungmann | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer org | Oracle, Inc. | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | jakarta.persistence | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Jakarta Persistence API | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | project | Low |
Vendor | pom | parent-groupid | org.eclipse.ee4j | Medium |
Vendor | pom | url | eclipse-ee4j/jpa-api | Highest |
Product | file | name | jakarta.persistence-api | High |
Product | jar | package name | jakarta | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | persistence | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 11 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Jakarta Persistence API jar | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | jakarta.persistence-api | Medium |
Product | Manifest | extension-name | jakarta.persistence | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | jakarta.persistence-api | Highest |
Product | pom | developer id | lukasj | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Lukas Jungmann | Low |
Product | pom | developer org | Oracle, Inc. | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | jakarta.persistence | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Jakarta Persistence API | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | project | Medium |
Product | pom | parent-groupid | org.eclipse.ee4j | Medium |
Product | pom | url | eclipse-ee4j/jpa-api | High |
Version | file | version | 3.1.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 3.1.0 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 3.1.0 | High |
Version | pom | parent-version | 3.1.0 | Low |
Version | pom | version | 3.1.0 | Highest |
The javax.inject API
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Users/tommym/.m2/repository/javax/inject/javax.inject/1/javax.inject-1.jar
MD5: 289075e48b909e9e74e6c915b3631d2e
SHA1: 6975da39a7040257bd51d21a231b76c915872d38
Referenced In Project/Scope: API:provided
javax.inject-1.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/com.querydsl/querydsl-apt@5.1.0
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | javax.inject-1 | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | inject | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | inject | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | javax | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | javax | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javax.inject | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | javax.inject | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | javax.inject | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | javax.inject | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | javax.inject-1 | High |
Product | jar | package name | inject | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | inject | Low |
Product | jar | package name | javax | Highest |
Product | pom | artifactid | javax.inject | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | javax.inject | Highest |
Product | pom | name | javax.inject | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 1 | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 1 | Highest |
Spice up your java: Automatic Resource Management, automatic generation of getters, setters, equals, hashCode and toString, and more!
The MIT License:
File Path: /Users/tommym/.m2/repository/org/projectlombok/lombok/1.18.34/lombok-1.18.34.jar
MD5: 91ce91dbfa7694bff4ddc1e51643f8b2
SHA1: ec547ef414ab1d2c040118fb9c1c265ada63af14
Referenced In Project/Scope: API:compile
lombok-1.18.34.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.dynamoframework/dynamo-api@4.0.0-RC2
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | lombok | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | java | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | lombok | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | tostring | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | lombok | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | lombok | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | lombok | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer email | | Low |
Vendor | pom | developer id | rspilker | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer id | rzwitserloot | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Reinier Zwitserloot | Medium |
Vendor | pom | developer name | Roel Spilker | Medium |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.projectlombok | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Project Lombok | High |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | lombok | High |
Product | jar | package name | java | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | lombok | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | tostring | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | lombok | Medium |
Product | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | lombok | Highest |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer email | | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | rspilker | Low |
Product | pom | developer id | rzwitserloot | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Reinier Zwitserloot | Low |
Product | pom | developer name | Roel Spilker | Low |
Product | pom | groupid | org.projectlombok | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Project Lombok | High |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 1.18.34 | High |
Version | Manifest | lombok-version | 1.18.34 | Medium |
Version | pom | version | 1.18.34 | Highest |
lombok-1.18.34.jar: mavenEcjBootstrapAgent.jar
File Path: /Users/tommym/.m2/repository/org/projectlombok/lombok/1.18.34/lombok-1.18.34.jar/lombok/launch/mavenEcjBootstrapAgent.jar
MD5: e5552f93605e20eb4039662ee38ee41a
SHA1: 257946794d3fbaff9023c991de99d6b7a7be8c8d
Referenced In Project/Scope: API:compile
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | mavenEcjBootstrapAgent | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | launch | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | lombok | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
Product | file | name | mavenEcjBootstrapAgent | High |
Product | jar | package name | launch | Low |
Product | Manifest | can-redefine-classes | true | Low |
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /Users/tommym/.m2/repository/com/mysema/commons/mysema-commons-lang/0.2.4/mysema-commons-lang-0.2.4.jar
MD5: c13bde1d0dae26b8ca3c56b5e4e40157
SHA1: d09c8489d54251a6c22fbce804bdd4a070557317
Referenced In Project/Scope: API:compile
mysema-commons-lang-0.2.4.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/com.querydsl/querydsl-jpa@5.1.0
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | mysema-commons-lang | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | commons | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | lang | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | mysema | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | com.mysema.commons.lang | Medium |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | mysema-commons-lang | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | mysema-commons-lang | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | com.mysema.commons | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | lang | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | mysema-source | Low |
Vendor | pom | parent-groupid | com.mysema.home | Medium |
Product | file | name | mysema-commons-lang | High |
Product | jar | package name | commons | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | lang | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | mysema | Highest |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | Commons Lang | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | com.mysema.commons.lang | Medium |
Product | pom | artifactid | mysema-commons-lang | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | com.mysema.commons | Highest |
Product | pom | name | lang | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | mysema-source | Medium |
Product | pom | parent-groupid | com.mysema.home | Medium |
Version | file | version | 0.2.4 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 0.2.4 | High |
Version | pom | parent-version | 0.2.4 | Low |
Version | pom | version | 0.2.4 | Highest |
APT based Source code generation for Querydsl
File Path: /Users/tommym/.m2/repository/com/querydsl/querydsl-apt/5.1.0/querydsl-apt-5.1.0-jakarta.jar
MD5: 75ada87133b15a7070113651dacc7499
SHA1: 3b1cbe05851840b5dc926833908747a193c097cc
Referenced In Project/Scope: API:provided
querydsl-apt-5.1.0-jakarta.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.dynamoframework/dynamo-api@4.0.0-RC2
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | querydsl-apt | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | apt | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | apt | Low |
Vendor | jar | package name | querydsl | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | querydsl | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | querydsl-apt | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | querydsl-apt | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | com.querydsl | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Querydsl - APT support | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | querydsl-root | Low |
Product | file | name | querydsl-apt | High |
Product | jar | package name | apt | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | apt | Low |
Product | jar | package name | querydsl | Highest |
Product | pom | artifactid | querydsl-apt | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | com.querydsl | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Querydsl - APT support | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | querydsl-root | Medium |
Version | file | version | 5.1.0 | High |
Version | pom | version | 5.1.0 | Highest |
core module for querydsl
File Path: /Users/tommym/.m2/repository/com/querydsl/querydsl-core/5.1.0/querydsl-core-5.1.0.jar
MD5: 2c9349a570cc9b090e44a22bff6be406
SHA1: be322c3fe98de8e7c204afb8860bfabd81a3bafd
Referenced In Project/Scope: API:compile
querydsl-core-5.1.0.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/com.querydsl/querydsl-jpa@5.1.0
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | querydsl-core | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | querydsl | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | com.querydsl.core | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 17 | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | querydsl-core | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | querydsl-core | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | com.querydsl | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Querydsl - Core module | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | querydsl-root | Low |
Vendor | pom | url | ${project.homepage} | Highest |
Product | file | name | querydsl-core | High |
Product | jar | package name | core | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | querydsl | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | com.querydsl.core | Medium |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 17 | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | querydsl-core | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | com.querydsl | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Querydsl - Core module | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | querydsl-root | Medium |
Product | pom | url | ${project.homepage} | Medium |
Version | file | version | 5.1.0 | High |
Version | pom | version | 5.1.0 | Highest |
Related Dependencies
- querydsl-codegen-5.1.0.jar
- File Path: /Users/tommym/.m2/repository/com/querydsl/querydsl-codegen/5.1.0/querydsl-codegen-5.1.0.jar
- MD5: c139ff103d5ada7a50f5b1e6405298d8
- SHA1: a8504ea51fbc2258543cedab6a37fe6039b2d20a
- SHA256: 6b3dafdf32370dbfa45f649a7194fab4506794aefe879ac23f5fd5ca59a46226
- pkg:maven/com.querydsl/querydsl-codegen@5.1.0
JPA support for Querydsl
File Path: /Users/tommym/.m2/repository/com/querydsl/querydsl-jpa/5.1.0/querydsl-jpa-5.1.0-jakarta.jar
MD5: 54dae173af07a330f1a80cc48b0e02f3
SHA1: f44ee79a324cf92d6821eca736b2028e69542050
Referenced In Project/Scope: API:compile
querydsl-jpa-5.1.0-jakarta.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.dynamoframework/dynamo-api@4.0.0-RC2
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | querydsl-jpa | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | jpa | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | querydsl | Highest |
Vendor | jar | package name | support | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | automatic-module-name | com.querydsl.jpa | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 17 | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | querydsl-jpa | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | querydsl-jpa | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | com.querydsl | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | Querydsl - JPA support | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | querydsl-root | Low |
Product | file | name | querydsl-jpa | High |
Product | jar | package name | jpa | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | querydsl | Highest |
Product | jar | package name | support | Highest |
Product | Manifest | automatic-module-name | com.querydsl.jpa | Medium |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 17 | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | querydsl-jpa | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | com.querydsl | Highest |
Product | pom | name | Querydsl - JPA support | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | querydsl-root | Medium |
Version | file | version | 5.1.0 | High |
Version | pom | version | 5.1.0 | Highest |
The slf4j API
File Path: /Users/tommym/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/2.0.16/slf4j-api-2.0.16.jar
MD5: c8de8f5d740584cb24b5652cfba8b3c4
SHA1: 0172931663a09a1fa515567af5fbef00897d3c04
Referenced In Project/Scope: API:compile
slf4j-api-2.0.16.jar is in the transitive dependency tree of the listed items.Included by: pkg:maven/org.dynamoframework/dynamo-api@4.0.0-RC2
Type | Source | Name | Value | Confidence |
Vendor | file | name | slf4j-api | High |
Vendor | jar | package name | slf4j | Highest |
Vendor | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Vendor | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | slf4j.api | Medium |
Vendor | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | slf4j-api | Highest |
Vendor | pom | artifactid | slf4j-api | Low |
Vendor | pom | groupid | org.slf4j | Highest |
Vendor | pom | name | SLF4J API Module | High |
Vendor | pom | parent-artifactid | slf4j-parent | Low |
Vendor | pom | url | | Highest |
Product | file | name | slf4j-api | High |
Product | jar | package name | slf4j | Highest |
Product | Manifest | build-jdk-spec | 21 | Low |
Product | Manifest | bundle-docurl | | Low |
Product | Manifest | Bundle-Name | SLF4J API Module | Medium |
Product | Manifest | bundle-symbolicname | slf4j.api | Medium |
Product | Manifest | Implementation-Title | slf4j-api | High |
Product | Manifest | multi-release | true | Low |
Product | pom | artifactid | slf4j-api | Highest |
Product | pom | groupid | org.slf4j | Highest |
Product | pom | name | SLF4J API Module | High |
Product | pom | parent-artifactid | slf4j-parent | Medium |
Product | pom | url | | Medium |
Version | file | version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | Manifest | Bundle-Version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | Manifest | Implementation-Version | 2.0.16 | High |
Version | pom | version | 2.0.16 | Highest |